IIR in the media

26.07.2016 | Mark Galeotti
22.07.2016 | Mark Galeotti
Turkey's military hand Erdogan ultimate power
"If nothing else, one might have expected the Turkish military to understand how to stage a military coup, but Friday’s botched exercise failed on pretty much every count," writes Mark Galeotti in his analysis of the attemped coup in Turkey published by the server bne IntelliNews.
15.07.2016 | Tomáš Profant
Slovak presidency promotes solidarity
"This month, in the midst of both internal and European political turbulence, Slovakia took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from the Netherlands. The Slovak government will promote one noteworthy policy reform; a European unemployment insurance scheme. This would be a further component of a European fiscal union," writes Tomáš Profant in his article for PoliticalCritique.org.
14.07.2016 | Jan Kovář
Velkou Británii povede žena
Je paradoxem, že bude odchod Velké Británie vyjednávat někdo, kdo ho nechtěl, nebo je to naopak příznačné pro celý brexit? Jakým bude vlastně nová britská premiérka partnerem z pohledu Evropské unie? Je možné srovnávat Theresu Mayovou s Margaret Thatcherovou? Odpovědi na tyto i další otázky poskytl České televizi Jan Kovář.
11.07.2016 | Michal Kořan
Single Czech stand at Warsaw NATO summit?
The Czech head of state, foreign, and defense ministers flew out to Warsaw Friday for the start of the two-day NATO summit in Warsaw. Were they able to speak with one voice despite their diverging opinions on best course of actions towards Russia? Michal Kořan gave his prediction on this issue to Radio Prague on 8 July.
23.06.2016 | Benjamin Tallis
Fear and loathing in the UK
Benjamin Tallis commented for various media on today's referendum in the UK. He explains that however distant the UK's debate may seem, it has several implications for the Czechs and the Czech Republic as well.
21.06.2016 | Jan Kovář
Desatero brexitu
Víte co by znamenal brexit pro Evropu a evropskou bezpečnost a ekonomiku? Nakolik by byla ovlivněna možnost pracovat ve Velké Británii? A jaké by byly dopady pro samotnou Velkou Británii? Je vůbec možné překonat rozdělení britské společnosti?  Jan Kovář v sérii mediálních vystoupení přináší odpovědi na tyto i další  otázky a podává analýzu možných dopadů brexitu v různých oblastech.
21.06.2016 | Benjamin Tallis
The British EU Referendum and the Tragic death of Jo Cox MP
Benjamin Tallis, Co-ordinator of the Centre for European Security of  the Institute of International Relations and Editor in Chief of the New Perspectives journal, spoke on Czech Television about the possibility of Brexit and the tragic death of Jo Cox. How divided and emotional is Great Britain before the crucial decision? And did David Cameron make a big mistake in calling for a referendum? Find out in the interview
Prioritäten neu definieren
Ein Jahr lang hat Tschechien die Visegrád-Gruppe (V4) geleitet, dies ist ein lockerer Zusammenschluss vier mittelosteuropäischer Staaten. Ende des Monats übergibt Premier Bohuslav Sobotka den Vorsitz an seine polnische Kollegin Beata Szydło. In den vergangenen sechs Monaten waren die Visegrád-Staaten innerhalb der Europäischen Union vor allem dadurch zu hören gewesen, dass sie die Flüchtlingsquoten abgelehnt haben. Wie fällt nun die Bilanz des tschechischen Vorsitzes aus? Und wie ist es allgemein um die Kooperation in Mitteleuropa bestellt? Dazu ein Interview mit dem Politologen Michal Kořan vom Prager Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.
Prague and Vienna are now focusing on positive issues
Austrian President Heinz Fischer is in the Czech Republic on a two-day visit. Michal Kořan was asked by Daniela Lazarová from Radio Prague to assess the present state of Czech-Austrian relations and to what extent they are burdened by issues such as the Beneš decrees or nuclear power.

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