IIR in the media

07.07.2014 | Michal Kořan
Debating V4: Michal Kořan
A new article by Michal Kořan analyzing the V4, its mission and possible solutions to disagreements among its members.
Will the Visegrad Four Survive Ukraine?
"The crisis to the east is severely testing cooperation in Central Europe. Is a successful “trademark” still working in the current political climate and could it survive an existential crisis? The answer to this question is key for the Visegrad Four – the most visible cooperative project of post-communist countries in Central Europe."
Ukraine-Krise entzweit Visegrád-Staaten
"Im Interview mit Prager Zeitung Redakteur Martin Nejezchleba verweist Michal Kořan auf innenpolitische Motive, wenn es darum geht zu erklären, warum Tschechien un die Slowakei Nato-Truppen auf ihrem Staatsgebiet ablehnen. In Wirklichkeit bereiten die Regierungschefs das Feld für unpopuläre Schritte, sagt Michal Kořan."
22.05.2014 | Petr Kratochvíl
La République tchèque 10 ans après l'entrée en UE
On 15th May the Czech Center Paris presented a discussion between Petr Kratochvíl, the director of the Institute of International Relations, Prague, and Jacques Rupnik, the director of research at the Center for International Studies and Research (CERI), Sciences Po in Paris.The discussion titled “La République tchèque 10 ans après l'entrée en UE” was aimed at the broad public and you can watch it here.
22.05.2014 | Petr Kratochvíl
The ideational clinch of the Roman Catholic Church and the EU: The Europeanization of the Catholic clergy’s discourse?
The article by Petr Kratochvíl and Tomáš Doležal was published in the Journal of Language and Politics.JLP is well-known impacted journal, which has been described as a "forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay of language and politics".
11.04.2014 | conference
IIR in the media: Analyzing world events
The crisis in Ukraine has continued to be the focal point of our researchers’ analyses and commentaries in the media. But despite the importance of the crisis, there have been other themes that our researchers focused on. Above all, these included the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, the situation in Egypt and the 15th anniversary of the Czech membership in NATO.
31.03.2014 | Jan Hornát
Say No to a Balance of Power in Asia
"Many analogies and parallels have been made between the current power interplay in the Indo-Pacific and the balance-of-power system of nineteenth century Europe. This narrative is easily accepted by conventional wisdom, but it is necessary to concentrate on the potential implications of a genuine balance of power system in the region. Despite the Nixon-Kissinger proposition that “the road to peace still depends on a balance of power”, equilibrium of power in the Indo-Pacific may increase tensions and have adverse effects than fostering a benign and peaceful regional environment."
19.02.2014 | conference
IIR in the media, Ukraine and much more
IIR reasearchers commented on recent developments in international relations. EU institutions, violence in the streets of Sarajevo and the Czech Republic´s foreign policy plans were some of the topics IIR researchers commented on for the Czech and Slovak media within the last two weeks. Most of their attention, however, was drawn to the continuing crisis in Ukraine.
13.01.2014 | Anja Grabovac
Mezinárodní Politika's Report: Gender, feminism and their role today
The issue of gender equality between men and women has always brought many controversies along the way. Claims against a balanced society of genders have been heard more loudly lately, especially in connection to the newly proposed legal quotas for women within the European Union. What is the current agenda in the peace-building and development? In what ways can women influence the course of both of these fields? Dr. Claudia von Braunmühl gives us a much needed insight into this matter which impacts international politics.
09.12.2013 | Petr Kratochvíl
„Nicht instinktiv europaskeptisch“
Politologe Kratochvíl zur Außenpolitik der künftigen Regierung. Die Verhandlungen schreiten voran, Sozialdemokratenchef Bohuslav Sobotka will bis Ende des Jahres die neue Koalition unter Dach und Fach haben. Dies ist ein guter Zeitpunkt, um herauszufinden, wie sich die zukünftige Regierung außenpolitisch orientieren wird.

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